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  • Writer's pictureRobert Benhuri

What to Know When Searching for “Acupuncture Near Me”

If you are thinking about trying a new therapy in the Prescott Quad-City area, you might find yourself searching for “acupuncture near me.” This will throw up a whole range of different results.

However, not all acupuncturists are the same and there are a few things to consider before making your choice.

In this article, I will explain some acupuncture basics and tell you all you need to know before choosing an acupuncturist.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine. It originated in China and spread across Asia before making its way west in the 20th century.

Although acupuncture is well over 2000 years old, it has evolved quite a bit since its creation. However, one thing has remained relatively constant: acupuncture works by inserting ultra-fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body. The idea behind this is to encourage the circulation of a substance called qi. Most people translate the word qi as ‘energy’ or ‘life force,’ and it plays many vital roles within the body. The theory goes, when qi is blocked from its intended path, illness and pain begin.

In the early days, diagnosing whether qi is blocked (and if so, what is causing the blockage) was done primarily through observing very sophisticated qualities of the pulse, as well as tongue reading, face reading, and asking questions. Every fluid and substance that comes out of the body was analyzed - mucous, discharge, blood, everything.

In modern times, we have expanded our diagnostic tools to include anatomy, physiology, brain chemistry, and a range of other factors in determining the cause of the imbalance. This is great because it reduces the dependency on fluid analysis, and it also helps facilitate conversations between multiple types of doctors working on your case. But either way, we as acupuncturists are still focused on finding and correcting blockage and imbalance of qi.

Acupuncture Benefits

The great thing about acupuncture therapy is that it views the body in a very different way from western medicine. An acupuncturist sees every person as unique and aims to treat their specific symptoms right from their root cause. Acupuncture does not add anything or take anything away. It simply helps the body to heal itself in a holistic and natural way. It is safe for people of all ages and can be used alongside other treatments or medicines.

People use acupuncture for a variety of different reasons. In the western world, we usually think of it as a treatment for pain. And although acupuncture can help a range of painful conditions, it is also much more than that.

Some of the most common reasons why people use acupuncture include:

  • Acute and chronic pain

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Women’s Health

  • Fertility

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Skin problems

If you suffer from a condition that is not listed above, acupuncture may still be able to help.

If you like, you can use this link to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Robert Benhuri, D. Ac. He is a local acupuncturist in downtown Prescott, AZ. When you make an appointment for a free consult, he will take 20-30 minutes to listen to you, answer any questions you have, and then give an honest assessment of what the treatment plan will be and its odds of success.

How to Find An Acupuncturist in Prescott, AZ

If all of this sounds good, you might be ready to type “acupuncture near me” into your search bar. But before you do, there are a few things to consider. Here are some of the primary considerations when trying to choose the right acupuncturist for you:


Everyone publicly advertising acupuncture in Arizona has some sort of credential from the state. However, those credentials can vary wildly. Here is a breakdown of the most important distinctions:

MDs in Arizona can perform acupuncture with no study and no qualifications. That's right - getting an MD qualifies you to do acupuncture without any further training in Arizona. Make of that what you will. Thankfully, no MDs in Prescott, Prescot Valley or Chino Valley currently offer this service. Unfortunately, for reasons I can't explain, Medicare will cover acupuncture for low back pain... but only if performed by an MD.

Chiropractors can perform acupuncture with 100 hours of study. They get a certificate and can advertise that they do acupuncture. Although I know many excellent chiropractors in the tri-city area, I do not believe that this is enough training to qualify them. I know for sure I would not feel comfortable adjusting a patient's neck with 100 hours of study and no clinical training.

Licensed Acupuncturists have completed at least 1,850 hours of training, including a minimum of 800 hours in the clinic. That's how long the state has determined it takes to have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of acupuncture. In my opinion, this is the minimum level of qualification you should look for when choosing an acupuncturist. Licensed acupuncturists have the letters L. Ac after their name. If you are researching a provider and don't see these letters, the provider you are researching is not a licensed acupuncturist.

Finally, a Doctor of Acupuncture represents the highest level of training a person can receive in Arizona. To use the title doctor, your provider has to have all the qualifications of an L. Ac, plus complete an extra year of doctoral-level courses and training (5 years total of training after a Bachelor's Degree).

Most of the courses in the doctoral program relate directly to the "conventional" medical system; in other words, you learn how to read lab values and discuss cases with MDs, DOs, and the like. This really helps in the clinic because most patients come in with diagnoses already, and it is up to the acupuncturist to translate from one medical system to the other. A doctor of acupuncture will have the title doctor and the letters D. Ac after their name.


Acupuncture can be expensive. As you see above, it takes several years to train as an acupuncturist, and the cost of this is often reflected by high treatment prices. Some acupuncturists charge as much as $125 for a single session, and very few insurance plans in Arizona cover it. Most treatment plans are at least 5 sessions.

Unfortunately, this means that a lot of people who could benefit from acupuncture end up missing out.

Shameless self-plug: Dr. Robert Benhuri, D. Ac offers individualized care in a private setting for only $80. There are no "first-time visit" fees, no contracts, and no monthly memberships.

Therapeutic Modalities Offered

Some acupuncturists offer other therapies, such as massage, cupping, and herbal medicine. Having access to this range of treatments means that you will be more likely to find one that suits your needs. Many people benefit from a combination of therapies, depending on their individual situation.

When choosing an acupuncturist, ask them which other services they offer. They should be happy to discuss the options and create a treatment plan that works for you. Although insurance considers each of these modalities (acupuncture, cupping, etc.) as separate treatments, you should be able to find an acupuncturist who does not charge extra for any of these. Another shameless self-plug: I do not charge extra for any of it, including herbal medicines and supplements. I will not prescribe anything that I don't really believe in, and I will absorb the cost when it is necessary. I do this so that no one feels that they are being pushed into herbs, or upsold on products.


The more experienced your acupuncturist is, the more likely they will be to have encountered problems similar to yours in the past. This will help them to give you the most effective treatment in the shortest amount of time.

I am proud to say that I have performed over 50,000 acupuncture sessions for thousands of people since first getting licensed in 2008. I am excited to bring those skills to private practice in Prescott. Click here for a free consult!

Acupuncture Near Me: The Bottom Line

As you can see, finding the right acupuncturist is not as simple as searching for “acupuncture near me” and clicking on the first link you find. There are many different factors to take into account before making your final decision.

If you are thinking about trying acupuncture and are unsure where to turn, why not give us a call? We will be happy to discuss your options and explain how acupuncture could benefit you.

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